Tjeerdsma thankful for outpouring of support

October 17th, 2024 4:30pm

Tjeerdsma thankful for outpouring of support

MARYVILLE, Mo. — Former Bearcat football coach Mel Tjeerdsma has faced many foes during his years patrolling the sidelines. However, he is currently in the midst of a much larger battle since he was diagnosed with leukemia in August. Northwest Missouri State officially announced the diagnosis last week on behalf of the legendary coach.

Tjeerdsma and his wife Carol Tjeerdsma have been living in Kansas City since the diagnosis as he has to limit contact with others to protect his compromised immune system. While physical contact with others has been limited, the Tjeerdsmas have been moved by the amount of support they’ve received.

“The support has been incredible,” Tjeerdsma said. “I’ve heard from former players from as far back as my time at Sioux Center (High School in Iowa). Austin College — the 10 years that spent there — some of those people have just been unbelievable. Then, of course, the Northwest people and Northwestern College. It is almost overwhelming. It makes you appreciate the fact that you’ve been so blessed to be in that type of situation.”

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